In der Zwischenzeit ist der "Precharge-Resistor" eingetroffen. Dieser Widerstand wird von Curtis empfohlen, um einen möglichen Abreißfunken zu umgehen und somit die Kontakte des Hauptschütz zu schonen.
Es war mal wieder gar nicht so einfach einen solchen Widerstand zu bekommen.
Ebay konnte mir ein weiteres Mal helfen und so habe ich diesen aus Asien bekommen:

Curtis schreibt dazu in seinem Handbuch:
"Main Contactor
Most applications use a main contactor in series with the battery positive (B+)cable to disconnect all power when the system is turned off, as shown in Figure 7. A heavy-duty single-pole, single-throw (SPST) contactor with silver-alloy contacts is recommended, such as an Albright SW80 or SW180 (available from Curtis).
A coil suppression diode, such as a Curtis PMC p/n MP-1 (which is rated at 100 volts, 3 amps), should be used on the contactor coil.
The rapid charging of the controller’s internal filter capacitors causes a high inrush current to flow briefly when the contactor closes. To extend contact life,a precharge resistor, such as Curtis PMC’s p/n MP-2 (rated at 250Ω, 5W), is recommended; the resistor precharges the capacitors and reduces the inrush current through the contacts. If an inexpensive “can” type solenoid is used, the resistor is mandatory to prevent contact welding. For applications above 48V, a precharge resistor with a power rating greater than 5W is recommended."

In einer Tabelle kann man den Widerstand auslesen, der für den jeweiligen Controller benötigt wird. In unserem Fall 750Ω 20W: